Upper Saddle River is a town that leans heavily in one political direction and loyal residents have been singing the praises of the administration to show support, solidarity. Yet, the elected officials have made questionable decisions, had too many eleventh hour corrections and clean ups. Despite the testimonials of great public service, being great people and more the present administration has had more than enough time to get it right. Yet, they continually stumble. The town suffers. How about thinking out of the box?
One resident thinks it is time to actually vote for what is needed.
Everyone has some kind of political opinion and associates more closely with some kind of political title, either Republican, Democrat or Independent and anywhere else along that spectrum. We vote in our registered party. I mean, we have to. To be able to vote for a Primary you have to be registered with a party. Even if you don’t fully agree with them.
Times have changed in a way that no one can keep up with or fully understand. I know when it comes to voting for me, I may agree with most of the people in my party, but there’s someone on the other side of the voting side that I actually agree with and believe may do a better job that someone in my party. Some say that’s betraying your party. Some say that’s wrong. Some say it’s a waste of your vote to support a different party. But is it?
I say it’s democracy. We live in a country where we are given the ability to vote and can voice your opinion when you vote. So why do you have to only voice your opinion in the confines of your own party? You may be an ardent Democrat but find there’s not many on your voting side of the fence that you agree with and want to vote elsewhere. You may be a die hard Republican and agree with one of the Democrats who you believe may do a better job than someone else. But because of the idea of banding together people choose to just vote down their line and within their party. God forbid there’s some poor soul running as an Independent.When it comes to elections – local or not – you should vote for what you believe in, what issues matter to you. Not what you are told to believe in. Just because you’re a Democrat doesn’t mean you have to believe in free healthcare and can’t have an interest in guns. Just because you’re a Republican doesn’t mean you have to be an die-hard gun supporter and can’t have some support for making healthcare more affordable (just examples).So when you are next voting on November the 5th, vote for who YOU believe in. If they aren’t in your party that’s ok. We should be voting on what is best for us, our families, our town and our nation. Not for the benefit of our party and just for the sake of voting. Follow your gut. We live in a free country, a place people would die, and do die, to try and live in. Whether or not you believe this is truly a democracy or that your vote means anything, the fact still stands that we have the right to vote. And the ability to do so.Vote for what you think is best. Not for what everyone else tells you is best and what your party may say you should vote for.It’s your future and you’ll be living in it.
I love this blog. It provides a space where people can say how they feel without being nasty or vulgar. Yes I agree, this is not a vote for a republican or democrat. It needs to be a vote for change, for the people who will best serve the citizens of Upper Saddle River. In walking around Leandra, Marc and I have heard time and again, a frustration. Whether it’s getting a permit to extend your deck or getting information in a timely manner. PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON. I don’t have all the answers. With that said, I do have a plan to improve communications between the Mayor, Council and the community.
I understand your frustrations. Borough hall needs to do a much better job of being helpful and cooperative. It does not seem that tough to me. I am in the service business and understand that the client comes first. Kind of simple.
So to the guy who just wants to get the pothole fixed on his street, to the couple who can’t drink their well water any longer because there is to much arsenic in their well (due to stormwater runoff from the Apple Ridge development), to the woman who lives in a condo at The Commons, whose street lights haven’t been on for years to the senior citizen who comes to a Mayor and Council meeting and is treated so disrespectfully, I promise you that things will be different when we win the mayor and council positions. That is what I have done since coming to Upper Saddle RIver, I get things done!!! So whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, please consider voting for Grupp Garbar Galasso.
There are so many pockets of frustration in town, and people feel the administration doesn’t listen to them. They barely answer the phone. They have had their chance. They could have blown us away with their capability. But they haven’t. So, what to do? Clearly now is the time to think beyond party loyalty. It is time to think about the town, what has happened and what is about to. Happy to let residents voice their thoughts – there really isn’t anywhere else.
I have felt like a cat chasing it’s tail in USR for too many years. As a town resident since 1991, I have seen our beautiful community change, lately not for the better. The situation on Ripplewood Drive, my street, is intolerable and I pray every day that someone doesn’t die or get critically injured, including myself and my dog who I love to walk every day. Traffic monitoring is half-hearted and erratic and I truly dread when construction is completed up the road. We need new leaders who can communicate with ALL residents about their needs and treat them with the respect they deserve.
Your last sentence nailed it and agree totally. There is no transparency, communication or respect unless you are part of the inner circle. Such a strange thing from elected officials who want your vote. Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Very well put! And here is my 2 GreenUSR cents. Everyone who knows me understands that I adhere to conservative views due to my upbringing and to the pledge I have given after Ronald Reagan, John Paul II and Lech Walesa freed my homeland country of Poland from the Soviets. However what is going on in Upper Saddle River is very disturbing on any level. Recently I posted the following post on USR Republicans page. The post was quietly removed. I also posted similar post on USR Democrats page called USR Forward. The post is still there and even was responded to. No censorship there. It does look like in old USRR everything is lopsided. Even logic. Many of you reached out to me and asked me how to vote in the upcoming Mayoral USR election. My response is simple. Vote with your conscious, your wallet and your head and not according to your party affiliation. If you believe the destruction of our environment will increase your property value be my guest. But before you cast your vote PLEASE read my latest post about the correlation between those two (posted on FB GreenUSR page). It is absolutely delusional if you think one individual is better than the other just because he or she belongs to your party. I guess I sound like an independent. Well so be it. In any event let the best candidate win! Good luck in November!
Absolutely great response! No censorship here, we aim to provide information and ask the questions, hoping to find some answers. Yes, and residents do need to vote with their conscious. Too many things have changed and blowing your trumpet over small things while Toll Brothers literally walked all over the town and got away with everything isn’t something you can just overlook. Thanks for your comment.