Coronavirus Covid-19 is creeping around the globe and has arrived in the US. Epidemiologists are working tirelessly to understand this new virus and figure out control, pattern, expectation. Each day the situation changes as the virus develops. It is confusing for members of the public, official organizations, government officials. Will it be like a bad snowstorm, a Superstorm Sandy event or create more of a ghost town like Wuhan China?
At this point no one knows how this will be.
However, as with any natural disaster there are levels of possible outcomes: inconvenient / mild / serious or worse. It is impossible to know right now what will happen. But anticipating some virus limiting actions either initiated by health officials – or you for yourself and your family- there are some precautions you should be prepared for.
As with any natural disaster you should be prepared at the very least for managing for 10 to 12 days. 3 – 4 weeks would be better.
This means having food, medication, personal care products, things for any pets, anything you would need to get through several days to weeks. In the event of a quarantine. Or if you just want to avoid standing in line at the market or drug store in contact with others.
What Probably Won’t Happen
Power, public utilities and internet won’t be affected as they are largely not dependent on personnel to run them on a daily basis. However, if there is a storm or high winds during this time and power lines go down there will be disruption. How long for power to be restored depends on workers being able to work and do repairs. You may want to consider how you would heat your home or keep warm if it took some time to restore power.
What You Should Have In Stock – for a minimum of 2 weeks
- Non-perishable food items: canned beans / meat / tomatoes / dried pasta / cereal / milk boxes / coffee / tea / some comfort food – candy, chocolate
- Perishable: what you store in your refrigerator and freezer is good. Keep it well stocked. If a quarantine is imposed use this first to avoid waste. As with hurricanes or storms if you do experience any power loss limit how many times and for how long you open the door of the freezer.
- Medication: anything you need on a daily or regular basis that is essential. Various websites recommend having a 3 month supply – unfortunately many health plans don’t allow so much so get what you can. Maybe in this unpredictable situation call and haggle.
- Personal hygiene: Toilet rolls / toothpaste / soap / feminine products
- Baby and young children: diapers / formula / wipes anything they need on a daily basis
- Pets: food / litter / pads / medications they may use
- Hand sanitizer: useful if you do have to go out
**Be aware that home delivery of items may not be as predictable and quick as usual. This may be unreliable as time goes on**
Face masks
Despite the fact the public wants them the CDC says they are not effective as a preventative to protect against it. However, if you have it it might stop the transmission from you. They are also asking the public not to buy them so healthcare workers can have them.
Hand washing – this has to become the new normal. Recommendations are to sing Happy Birthday twice while soaping and scrubbing which is enough time to do the job.
Hand sanitizer – if you are out use this to clean your hands and cellphone or anything else you have taken that touched surfaces
Bleach wipes – it is a good idea to clean surfaces in your home, especially is anyone is unwell
Coughing and sneezing – do not do it into your hand but elbow.
Tissues – use them to avoid surfaces. Elevator buttons / escalators / other public surfaces
If you believe someone is infected – or you think you are – keep 6 feet distance
Mental Health
This is new territory for some. It is scary. But the wealth of knowledge working on understanding this and creating a vaccine is the best of any previous epidemic. There are brilliant minds studying this as you read. Know that there will be solutions in time. Have some uplifting things to occupy yourself if you do have to quarantine. Stream movies, play games, read all the Harry Potter / James Clancy / Game of Throne books, learn a language, paint a room. Online there are numerous game sites where you can play against others, no need to feel alone. FaceTime.

If you need further information there are some great sources online. The New Jersey Department of Health has opened a 24 call line and has information to help your. The CDC has a wealth of information that they are continually updating. Other useful links will be listed here as they are found.
Last Words
The suggestions here are not medical and do not intend to replace healthcare professional. If you think you are unwell call your doctor. Just consider what you need to do to ride this virus out and have some comfort.
And check on elderly family, neighbors and friends. A phone call is not going to put you at risk and might just help a frightened person through this.
Relevant and useful information will be added and updated as appropriate.
Useful Links
NPR: A Guide: How To Prepare Your Home For Coronavirus
NPR: Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus
Twitter: Dr Joseph Fair epidemiologist (you can read tweets even if you don’t have twitter)
Harvard Medical School: Be careful where you get your news about coronavirus