Despite a lofty Arbor Day proclamation by Mayor Minichetti on April 7, 2022 regarding April 22, 2022, also known as Earth Day, the town of Upper Saddle River leaves much to be desired in it’s environmental policies and practices.
The green leafy locale, up to 10 – 20 years ago, has been slowly and steadily replaced by housing lots with virtually no trees. Clear cutting is still is going on, heritage trees are chopped to the ground to be replaced by nursery stock – if they are replaced at all – without a peep from the town, or residents. The town lost it’s Tree City verification several years ago. Why? With all the trees this town once had this is staggering. You have to question where is the Shade Tree Committee?
Toll Brothers moved into town, grabbed as much open land as possible and built. On soil that has not been properly remediated. Where families will live, and young children will play and be exposed to who knows what? They allowed continual stormwater runoff and soil erosion to take place while the mayor and council turned a blind eye. Until forced to take some paltry action as the baying from some residents couldn’t be ignored.

Now the unchecked, unsupervised overdevelopment across the border in Hillside Ave, Airmont threatens to drain the aquifer that the town relies on for tap water. In effectual wastewater removal that allows sewage to wash into the Saddle River. Something that has occurred for years with no resolution promises to be a increasing regular occurrence with the volume of wastewater created by the new construction of school and mikvah. The clear cutting of trees for a cemetery has resulted in stormwater runoff that is washing away a road, part of which is in Upper Saddle River and taking precious topsoil and stabilizers with it.

Add to that the water coming out of residents taps likely contain PFAS, also known as the forever chemicals, that bring a host of health hazards. Yet, little is done by the mayor and council, and silence from parents and residents.
So evidence suggests Upper Saddle River is not a town where issues of the environment are of interest, or importance. And despite the urging residents to plant trees to “gladden the heart” it is highly unlikely that any tree will be planted on this Earth / Arbor Day.
You have to wonder what is the legacy that Upper Saddle River will leave to future generations? Where is the Shade Tree Committee and the Environmental Committee? As residents in town don’t they even care?
Does anyone care?
I don’t care but. For me every day is earth day