Copied from the Saddle River Residents Against Bow Hunt Facebook Page.
“Don’t let Saddle River turn into a “Hunting/Killing Field”
Is Councilman Paul Schulstad going to clean-up all the blood trails around town? What will we tell our children?
Please SHARE our post and come to the meeting!
7/26/18 – URGENT DEER MEETING!!!!!! – Against Bow Hunt
Saddle River Mayor & Council – Work Session Meeting
Thursday, July 26, 2018 at 7pm
100 E. Allendale Rd. Saddle River, NJ 07458
www.keepsaddleriversafe.comHunting will jeopardize our safety, lower our property values, and turn our town into a hunting field, attracting undesirable people walking around our town with dangerous weapons.
Bow hunting has a 50% wounding rate and the deer will suffer. Many times the deer will travel through properties, leaving a trail of blood behind before dying on another property. This will traumatize children and adults.
Hunting will increase deer fertility and not solve conflicts with deer.
Any future home owners will seek properties outside of Saddle River. Hunting will bring NEGATIVE PR to the town and drive away business.
Call & Email against hunting in Saddle River. Keep the pressure on!
Phone: 201-327-2609
Albert J. Kurpis, Mayor
drkurpis@saddleriver.orgEric Jensen, Council President
ejensen@saddleriver.orgDuncan Carpenter
dcarpenter@saddleriver.orgRon A. Gray
rgray@saddleriver.orgElizabeth Salazer
lsalazer@saddleriver.orgPaul Schulstad
pschulstad@saddleriver.orgRon Yates”