Board of Trustees Meeting tonight (January 6, 2020) in Airmont – 7pm.
One items on the agenda is “Floating Zones”. Don’t know what this is?
Basics — A floating zone is a zoning district that delineates conditions which must be met before that zoning district can be approved for an existing piece of land. Rather than being placed on the zoning map as traditional zones are, however, the floating zone is simply written as an amendment in the zoning ordinance. Thus, the zone “floats” until a development application is approved, when the zone is then added to the official zoning map. Floating zones can be used to plan for future land uses that are anticipated or desired in the community, but are not confirmed, such as affordable housing, shopping centers, and urban development projects. They can also be used for cluster zoning, planned-unit developments (PUDs), and urban development projects.
Given the change in use of properties in Ramapo / Airmont / Spring Valley / Chestnut Ridge, especially on Hillside Avenue and with the proposed change in use this is a worrying term that has real implications for Upper Saddle River residents on the border, and beyond.
You may want to attend this meeting to be updated on the situation.
Please note
The Board of Trustees in Airmont generally has 2 meetings per month. One is a meeting, the other a workshop. According to the Airmont Borough Clerk public comments are only allowed at the meeting, not the workshop. This is an important distinction. The public is able to attend both meetings.
Due to the ongoing nature of events across the border the website calendar now will contain meeting information about the adjoining towns to give you notice. Please check it for dates and information. Additionally any residents with information of relevance are encouraged to share information.
Airmont Village Hall
251 Cherry Lane