On the border of Upper Saddle River and New York state there are plans for a change of usage along the Hillside Ave corridor. What has been a rural residentail neighborhood of modest homes on 1+ acre lots, with well and septic have the potential to change significantly in usage. This will impact Upper Saddle River, and not just the residents of Hampshire Hill.
At present there are 2 large development proposals for Hillside Ave. One involves the creation of a property containing ritual baths with associated support, the other is a proposed school. At present the area is zoned only for residential, and does not have mains water or sewage.
The plans propose the baths occupy lots from 3 properties on Hillside Ave in both Ramapo and Upper Saddle River. The plan includes
- 6 pools/bath – similar to hot tubs but much deeper
- 50 changing rooms with showers and other facilities
- 60+ parking spaces
- A caretakers house
- This facility would be staffed by workers during the day, and from 4pm on will have an anticipated 50+ women visiting until late into the night. The plans state usage will be until at least 10pm but information indicates it could continue until the early morning hours.
This will be on Oritam Ave. It is described as a basic needs school. The students will be bussed in.

The Issues
- There is no water line on Hillside Ave. The builder intends to extend the water line on Saddle River Road to supply water for a fire hydrant and also possibly these projects.
- The area has septic systems. The builder intends to tap into a sewer connection that is somewhere in the area.
- The bridge on Hillside is a 1 car / 3 ton bridge. School buses weigh considerably more. The bridge is presently reduced in width and has a metal plate.
- This is a residential neighborhood and the plan will change look, character and traffic in the area.
- There will be a significant increase in lighting in the evening hours – with bright lighting at the facilities and parking lot on until late into the night.
- There will be significant disturbance with traffic going to the baths from 4pm until late.
- The baths will function every day of the week except Saturday.
- This area is not zoned for commercial use.
- An important note – if the zoning is changed it creates the opportunity for other non-residential developments.
The Water Issue
Of significant concern is the water use and sewage disposal. At present the plans include a collection tank for rain water to meet the needs of the pools. As these are ritual bathing pools there are specific requirements for the type of water, and information available indicates that the majority of the water in the baths cannot be tap water, contain a minimum of 87 gallons of water that cannot come from metal pipes. To fill and maintain 6 pools that are in use constantly is going to require an inordinate amount of water. Rainfall is not going to suffice: it is variable, seasonal and not sufficient. Consequently, if the pools cannot be filled with majority tap water an alternative source is spring, river or possible well water. If this development drills a well and uses it this will have major implications for Upper Saddle River as the aquifer has the potential to be drained and wells in Upper Saddle River will run dry.
This is worth repeating: the aquifer has the potential to be drained and wells in Upper Saddle River will run dry.
Additionally, the volume of water that is disposed of will be enormous and the question of whether the sewer that is to be connected to can meet the needs. Or will some of the grey water be put in tanks or run off the property.
There are many questions that need to be answered and so far there is very little information.
CUPON (Citizens United to Protect Our Neighborhood) Mahwah has been monitoring the situation closely, attending meetings, getting plans and keeping as informed as possible which has not been easy as there is definitely little transparency, and possible deception. CUPON is actively fundraising to hire a team to fight this and welcomes donations.
The mayor and council of Upper Saddle River are aware of what is going on, and have sent representation to some meetings. What information they came away with is unknown, as to date they have kept silent on the issue. The upcoming meeting on Wednesday September 18 is the time for residents to ask questions and demand answers of the mayor and council.