Election season is here, and with a short number of days before voting it is time start focusing on the candidates in Upper Saddle River.
Medina and Beylerian are Democratic candidates running for council and are running against the established council members. Given the enormous changes occurring in Upper Saddle River, and the considerable ineptitude of the mayor and council in handling several significant issues, voters would be well advised to consider what has gone on. In August Medina and Beylerian announced their run on Facebook. In their statement they have touched on several keys issues of serious concern for residents. You can read their platform below.
TO OUR FRIENDS, FAMILY AND NEIGHBORS:We are proud and excited to announce that we are running again for Borough Council in Upper Saddle River!As you may remember, we ran in 2018 and although we came up a little short, we came closer to the finish line than any challenger in recent history. More than 1,700 folks voted for us in 2018. We deeply appreciate every one of those votes and hope that we can count on your support again. We also hope that we can earn the votes of those in 2018 who could not make it to the polls, those who are new in town, and those who chose another candidate.
Here’s why…Leadership: We are in a global pandemic and on the brink of economic collapse with challenging roads ahead. We are standing up to the challenge, with you at our sides. This starts with taking direct action to keep our children, older residents, and families safe. We propose enhancing relations between Borough Hall and the County and State Departments of Health to ensure we have access to every last resource – testing, contact tracing, PPE. Because of our relationships with Congressman Gottheimer, our County Freeholders and the Governor’s office, not to mention Senator’s Menendez and Booker, we can ensure that USR will get every resource available to keep us all safe.
Taxes: Our property taxes have gone up. This year the average increase was 5%, with no enhancement or additional services. And while the school districts control a large portion of the tax bill, they are strictly limited to increases of 2%. The additional burden rests squarely on Borough Hall. We pledge to do what it takes to turn this trend around and expand the level of municipal services. We will also work with Congressman Gottheimer to restore the SALT deductions that were taken away by Washington in 2017.
Quality of Life/Over development: As a result of the mishandling of One Lake Street, our town was sued because of the remarks of a Borough Councilman. The outcome was that we had to “buy” 9 acres of the property and Toll Brothers is advertising the development of the remainder as “The Grove-New urban-style living”.More recently, on Pleasant Avenue, the Hennion House, a beautiful Landmarked Estate and the second oldest house in town, was, with the approval of the Borough Government, subdivided into a planned unit development and will be called “Hennion Ridge”. And of course, there is Apple Ridge-the former golf course where over 1,000 trees were cut down causing erosion.We pledge to do whatever is necessary to stop this pattern of irresponsible development and enforce our zoning laws.
Transparency/Fiscal responsibility: For three years we have been asking for Borough Council meetings to be live streamed and the Borough Council has dragged its feet. As a result of the pandemic, the meetings have shifted to Zoom. If elected, we will continue this practice even after the pandemic is over.We will protect your hard-earned tax dollars. Eruv litigation cost us one million dollars in legal fees, with no concrete outcome. We do not need to go back to court. We need to keep our Master Plan updated and enforce zoning rules uniformly.
OUR PLEDGE: We will work tirelessly to advocate for all Upper Saddle River residents. We will graciously accept and answer your questions, when possible, and partner with you to find answers and develop solutions. And we will not be silent in the presence of inappropriate statements or comments by anyone, including fellow Council members. We pledge to give people the representation they deserve and treat all with dignity and respect so that we can move #USRForward.