Have you opted out of smart meters?
If so read this.
Several years ago Orange and Rockland/ Rockland Electric Co. started the switch from regular meters to smart meters, and all the associated issues surrounding them became a concern for some residents. In order to avoid the risks of rf from the meters the customers were allowed to opt out and keep the old analog meter – with an associated additional fee.
Fast forward to present day and for whatever ever reason Orange and Rockland have decided that they want to change the meters from old analog to new digital meters. These new meters do not contain rf transmitters and do not send your data anywhere. They still need to be read by a Rockland representative each month – so there will be no fee removal. Basically they are the same smart meters without the wireless transmitter section.
There are some concerns about this.
First – Orange and Rockland have provided no written documentation regarding this change in advance. They just arrive at your house. A worker from OR will turn up at your door prepared to change the meter immediately. You can refuse or delay the change to investigate further. But arriving unannounced is unusual – particularly for elderly residents.
Additionally this new meter has some concerns associated with it.
There is a documented concern that the switch mode power supply that runs the meters electronics radiates interference into households electrical wiring. There appears to be some evidence that this radio frequency type noise can have an effect on the health of some individuals. While this meter does contain a switch mode power supply which does generate electrical interference, like virtually all switch mode power supplies, most homes normally contain many of these. They are used to run many smaller pieces of audio and video equipment like televisions, projectors, radios, amplifiers, cd and dvd players. As such it is unlikely that the supply in this new meter would be any more harmful than the many switch mode supplies that are already running equipment in your home. But there are still concerns. You can read a more detailed account of it here.
However, you have to question why Orange and Rockland are changing meters that are working fine and doing the job required. They say that the new meters will be supported, but the sudden arrival of representatives wanting to change meters, get customers unaware raises questions about what is going on. A more cynical person might wonder if a representative manages to confuse a customer enough if a smart meter might be installed instead of the non-digital meter.
Who knows? But it would be good to be prepared for the visit if you have opted out and do your homework beforehand.
Or just do nothing.