The discovery of a case in Rockland country that has now been detected in wastewater in New York City is something of a concern. CUPON Airmont recently posted on this on their Facebook page. It is a sobering read and worth your time. Given the construction on Hillside Ave the water situation is of concern…
Tag: Environment
Hillside Mikvah: Violations, Lawyers and Environmental Destruction
Source: Steve Lieberman LOHUD via Facebook CUPON Mahwah Thank you Steve Leiberman and Lohud for covering this important story….. Mikvah: DEC issues more violations at Hillside site outside Airmont; NJ borough hires attorney Steve Lieberman Rockland/Westchester Journal News AIRMONT – State environmental inspectors have again cited the Hillside Avenue religious bath house construction project…
Earth Day in Upper Saddle River – Does Anyone Care?
Despite a lofty Arbor Day proclamation by Mayor Minichetti on April 7, 2022 regarding April 22, 2022, also known as Earth Day, the town of Upper Saddle River leaves much to be desired in it’s environmental policies and practices. The green leafy locale, up to 10 – 20 years ago, has been slowly and…
Hillside Mikvah Has Started – Action Needed From Upper Saddle River Residents Now
Hillside Avenue Mikvah – an environmental disaster in the making Despite the clear objection of residents, the environmental damage and serious likelihood that Upper Saddle River wells will run dry, or be contaminated the Hillside Mikvah construction has started. CUPON Mahwah has been working on the issue from the outset and has provided information on…
Hillside Ave| The Alarming Changes That Are Being Proposed
Updated with meeting link and agenda – towards bottom During the month of May there have been several meetings in the Village of Airmont regarding proposed activity on Hillside Avenue. Under discussion was a proposed school and changes to a parcel of land for a proposed cemetery, not to mention the mikvah. Where to begin…
PFAS A troubling issue in water and a problem in Rockland County may be impacting Upper Saddle River. If you have children, are pregnant or nursing this is something you should pay attention to. Interested residents in northern Bergen county should be aware that there are issues with the Rockland County water supply, whose aquifer…
Earth Day 2021
One day a year – April 22 – the beauty and fragility of planet earth is observed. Started in 1970 the purpose of Earth Day was to demonstrate support for environmental protection, raise awareness and increase human involvement in protecting natural resources. Water, pollution and deforestation are key issues and they unite populations globally as…