When Saddle River proposed their deer cull 3 years ago – against the vote of their residents – we questioned the stupidity and safety of having a hunt in a residential town. Despite a minimum 2 acre lot requirement there are a few smaller properties, a school, playground, businesses, busy roads. Yet, with no apparent regard for safety, the town went ahead. During this time it has been unclear what actually happened during the cull, with only whispers of scenes of multiple deer carcasses being dealt with by town staff.
While some residents seriously opposed this action, the culling continued. No discussion, even as some residents were prepared to investigate a wildlife plan.
This year things changed. The story of 2 wounded deer, being trailed by hunters and police, dying on residents properties became a reality. The shot wasn’t clean, the act didn’t do its job and there are 2 residents that are traumatized.
Two hours into the first day of the Saddle River deer bow hunt, two tragic incidents with deer occurred in Saddle River backyards.
First, a police cruiser with a hunter riding behind were following the blood trail of a dying deer. The trauma the resident witnessed was too much. The quiet enjoyment of his home and property he deserves washed away by violence. We do not know if this deer was ever found.
In the second tragic incident, a buck was shot, wounded, and succumbed to his injuries in another Saddle River backyard. This resident did not authorize hunting on her property. To make this even more horrid, his antlers were removed before he could be picked up.
These are not isolated incidents.
See the photo of the doe taken by yet another traumatized homeowner who did not want to “participate” in a previous hunt.
Please write to the Mayor and the Town Council to voice your outrage over the Saddle River recreational bow hunt. Ask that they abide by the recommendation of the Environmental Commission to halt the hunt to conduct a thorough scientific review. This reckless backyard hunting has none of the components of a viable wildlife “management” plan. This is misrepresented recreational hunting.
Write to:
Mayor Albert J. Kurpis: drkurpis@saddleriver.org
Council President Rosario Ruffino: rruffino@saddleriver.org
Duncan Carpenter: dcarpenter@saddleriver.org
John DeRosa: jderosa@saddleriver.org
Chris DiGirolamo: cdigirolamo@saddleriver.org
David Hekemian: dhekemian@saddleriver.org
Eric Jensen: ejensen@saddleriver.org
Source: Facebook – Stop The Saddle River Massacre!
Culling animals is questionable at best. But the shooting of an animal that isn’t clean and does the job is inhumane. One deer was not found. Is this what you want going on in your garden? In your town? What happened to your home is your castle? In Saddle River they have become the killing fields.
What will it take for the Saddle River mayor and council to realize they are jeopardizing the safety of residents? They are destroying the reputation of the once much desired location. This is inhumane treatment of animals.
What will it take? Property prices to drop? A lawsuit? A death?

Wow! Lot’s of people had spoken on this issue. Apparently NOBODY cares….https://www.change.org/p/saddle-river-borough-saddle-river-borough-council-and-mayor-stop-the-saddle-river-deer-and-coyote-hunt
As the M&C don’t listen to the people who voted for them they clearly won’t listen to outsiders.
I for one an very happy to not see deer ravaged yard, not to mention hitting another with my vehicle. I applaude the cull!