Spring 2020. While we were all occupied with COVID19, quarantined and on pause some troubling happenings across the border in Rockland county were going on.
A reader, a resident of Rockland County, wrote of social happenings occurring – in Airmont – that were against the directive of Governor Cuomo. In the close vicinity of Upper Saddle River, Montvale and Mahwah it was apparent that members of other communities were not following the guidelines of masks, social distancing and no socializing. A number of occurrences were observed: weddings, birthday parties, schools being held in homes, other gatherings. Residents who were observing these occurrences on their streets contacted the Village of Airmont Board of Trustees and the Ramapo Police, and nothing was done.
All during a worldwide global pandemic.
This was concerning. As many of us put our lives on hold and entered a new normal, with all the associated difficulties, others were carrying on as if nothing was occurring, living their lives, with no regard for anyone else.
A letter was sent to Airmont Village, there was no reply.
Click image below to enlarge.
This was in the spring. It is still going on now. Worrying.
This disregard for guidelines has significant consequences beyond the street(s) where the above events occurred.
Airmont, Monsey, Spring Valley (among others) have all had – and still have – members of the public meeting in large numbers, with no social distancing, no face masks. School has continued in homes and other places, child care, business has been taking place, weddings, funerals, birthdays. The virus has spread, people have died, some rapidly. For residents in towns on the border of New York and New Jersey the risk of exposure isn’t to be ignored. Hillside Avenue connects Airmont and Upper Saddle River. A trip to Wegmans, Fresh Market, CVS, gas stations can result in coming home with something you hadn’t planned on.
New York State, and some small municipalities have done little to nothing to enforce the proper measures. In New York City the the attempts have been irregular and haphazard. In Rockland County virtually nothing has been done. Arguing that it is the Health Departments job while there is a gathering taking place is not going to help or resolve the situation. Does the Health Department even have staff that can be called to turn out immediatley?
The virus is on the rise.
The public needs to understand that they are the reason it’s spreading, the virus just doesn’t do it on its own. The scientists and health personnel need to continue to be clear on the information and about behaviors. It would be very helpful if the authorities would actually enforce the policies and educate, advise and act.

It is worth noting that some community leaders and rabbis are scratching their heads over some of this behavior. Various reasons have been offered, some of them highly political and not very helpful. It might be worth hearing the words of Rabbi Dr. Glatt (Chairman, Department of Medicine, Chief Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiologist Mount Sinai Hospital):
Remember that we are all in this together. Yes, it’s tedious, but is the risk worth it? The virus is on the rise and the communities that surround Rockland County are being put at risk. With the local administrations doing very little to nothing residents need to be be aware and vigilant. Stay safe.
September 29.2020: Concern about the rising rates in several New York counties – Rockland included – has prompted Governor Cuomo to schedule a meeting with leader to discuss the current situation.