Two years and counting.
The environmental nightmare that Toll Brothers created continues.
The torrential rain that occurred yesterday (July 11, 2019) resulted in a flood of mud, laced with toxins, breaching the construction site and hitting Carlough Road. This has been going on for 2 years.
2 years. Let that sink in.
When are the mayor and council going to actually force Toll Brothers to deal with this? Are they going to look the other way, or slap them with a hefty fine?
Where is the code enforcement officer?
And what about the Borough Engineer? Did they approve all of this mess? Do they monitor the site?
Is anyone from the town actually watching what is going on?
Two years and counting.
Heavy rain = mud spills. Every single time.
Toll Brothers are still unable to control the deluge of water and keep it on their property and deal with it properly. Their quick fix for dealing with the construction site runoff hasn’t worked.
Two years the soup of muddy water laden with arsenic and other toxins that weren’t properly remediated are washing onto Carlough Drive, into the Pleasant Brook. And down stream. Wells and septics fields are being affected. Toll Brothers is sharing the toxic cocktail with towns down stream, creating pollution and environmental problems. And getting away with it.
How long is this going to go on?
Will the Borough of Upper Saddle River be issuing a fine for their continued breaching of town ordinances? (clue, don’t hold your breath)
Driving the area at 6:30am the morning after showed no sign of this disaster. All evidence gone. But has the cause of the problem been fixed?
And who did the clean up? Was it the borough DPW, ensuring the residents pay for it.
Or was it Toll Brothers?
Clouded in mystery, and still it goes on.
Wise people will often point out that water always finds its own way. Clearly, Toll Brothers hasn’t been listening.