Just over a week until the election there is a deafening silence in Upper Saddle River.
From the candidates.
The arrival of beautifully presented fliers brought a promise that some change might be in the air.
With short snappy points telling voters what they have achieved, or are aiming to achieve, voters are left with the belief that great things are headed towards the town.
It has been a bruising couple of years for Upper Saddle River so the election brings the chance for fresh energy to grab the wheel and steer away from the storm.
But no.
There has been no debate, which isn’t surprising as Upper Saddle River has a shady history riddled with lack of transparency and political entitlement. The Republican candidates recently wrote an editorial stating they did not have the need for a debate.
No public meetings have been held allowing undecided voters, new residents and others the chance to hear what the candidates actually have to say.
No meet the candidates (unless you are a part of the inner circle) open to the residents.
No joining the Facebook group – too negative, too toxic, fill in the blanks. However with 1,912 members and probably the largest group of local people in the Upper Saddle River area any marketing genius could figure out this is a captive audience. And Facebook isn’t like a marriage – you can actually leave.
But Republicans and Democrats won’t become part of it.
What are they afraid of?
It might get a little dirty? Isn’t that what politics is about? Have you ever been to a council meeting and seen the mayor in action?
While the Democrats do have a Facebook page, not everyone is actually on Facebook. So again, they might just be preaching to the choir.
Which brings about the question, why?
The Republicans are part of cabal. They have the expectation of ascension to position. It has gone on for years, and has been unchecked. Low voter turnout, poor attendance at town meetings, lack of accountably or transparency ensure that one administration after another keeps the power. And no one asks why?
The Democrats have put forward two new and fresh candidates. Residents tiring from the same old, same old hoped that these new candidates would blaze through the town with fresh ideas and energy. But where are they? There are rumors that they are out at the weekend and visiting homes of supporters.
What about the undecided? It would make much more sense to get out to those who might be swayed, persuaded, need convincing.
With just over a week to go until the election residents are scratching their heads and wondering why? With questions about the Democrats, and a weariness from the Republicans what is a voter to do?
Surely Upper Saddle River residents deserve better.
But the glaring disdain in assuming they can get elected without some sort of public forum is deeply disturbing.
Do the candidates even care?
Do they deserve your vote?
In reference to the last posting, USR-Do the Candidates Care”, all I can say is we receive these postcards and are suppose to believe everything on them. Not, I. I would love to have the opportunity to question the Republican Candidates about their “accomplishments”. Again, not happening. So before you vote remember this, the 1.6 million in “open space” money that they received to pay down the cost of buying those 8-9 acres will allow anyone who wants to use the so called athletic facility to be able to do it. That’s what happens when you use open space funds. From the NJ Open Space Preservation Programs; A Review of County Grants under the Farmland Preservation Program; “Lands purchased with Green Acres funds must be used solely for recreation and conservation purposes and public access or use is required”. Look at Lion’s Park. With the Triple A rating and the borrowing power of over $96 million dollars it is another example of poor decision making by the present m & c. And by the way, I have been hearing about the “athletic facility” for at least 5 years!!!I can go on and on.. Decisions that have affected the well being of USR are being made by a group of 8.(including our town lawyer) So, please vote for Medina/Beylerian. Give these two individuals a chance to bring new approaches/insights to governing.
I agree with Marshall 110%. Time to shake things up!!!
Maybe you could reach out to the candidates and encourage them to actually speak to the people. How is there ever going to be change if no one knows you are there, or what you are about? Would be very happy to include something from them here!!