The colors of fall in Upper Saddle River bring a range of warm yellows, oranges and fading greens.
And red and white. And red and white and red and red.
Driving through the town you can’t help but notice that that there is an abundance of campaign signs for the Republican mayor and her running mates. Dotted throughout town.
But close observation reveals there are multiples on properties. Virtually no property sports just one sign.
Most have two.
And a vast number have 4.
4 signs
Despite the town having a clear code stating 1 sign per property.
Code 150 – 20 / 21 General Sign Provisions
One sign shall be permitted on any premises used for residential purposes. The total area of such sign shall not exceed 12 square feet, and the height thereof shall not extend six feet above the natural grade of the property.
Interesting. So what gives?
This isn’t about 1st Amendment rights. Properties are displaying their support, but town codes – i.e. laws – are exactly that. Laws. You can show support, display what you want, but with one sign. If it was anything else, or there was an exception for politics the town which has an abundance of codes would have it stated in the borough codes.
The codes that governing Republican parties wrote.
But clearly can’t – or won’t – enforce.
Why does the Democratic party follow the written guidelines and display 1 sign as directed, yet the Republican party stretches the rules and gets away with multiples?
Of course they do it because they can. They can plaster the town with their signs and create the impression that they are everywhere. They are popular. They are in charge.
But they don’t follow the rules. The rules that they wrote.
They don’t honor a system of fairness.
They just treat the town as they want.
So, in clear violation they are flouting the law. Setting an interesting precedence.
And getting away with it.
Which brings the question where is the code official giving out pink slips? Where is the code enforcement?
Or is this portion of the town code silenced. Deliberately?
Cleary Upper Saddle River doesn’t play fair in politics.