Upper Saddle River Mayor and Council Meeting tonight. 8pm via zoom.
Unfortunately the agenda is not accessible presently. It was yesterday. But today it appear the USR Borough website has an issue and can’t be accessed unless you download some spurious extension that takes you to a movie website. So it would appear that the town website has either been hacked or has some malware. Or they just don’t want residents to have access. Who knows? This has been observed before, the web browser shows the sit isn’t secure, but today it’s unreachable. At least for one resident.
Any readers who have few worries about the future of their computer are welcome to try and access the website.
The agenda contained items related to payment for a host of town services, the lifting of a bond for Toll Brothers (for the Grove) and other business type items.
Hopefully the minutes of last months meeting are also there. Once the site is accessible. Zoom information for the meeting can be found on last month’s agenda.