With the upcoming election the incumbent Republican candidates Minichetti, Ditkoff & Rotella are clearly worried. The have been resorting to smear tactics, have gotten personal and are running a dirty campaign. They refused to do a town hall forum with their opponents, Grupp, Garbar and Galasso. They started decrying the lack of experience of the Democratic candidates. Not qualified, no experience, which is so interesting as the Republicans have had 8 years of the present administration, so they had the ‘experience’ – and the town has suffered. So much for the experience argument.
Then they touted their community service, particularly the mayor. Reams and reams of service was listed, with kind words from people who had worked with her, knew her energy, dedication, enthusiasm, etc., etc. But community service and civic service aren’t the same thing. Community service in Upper Saddle River is a great thing, but a tad self serving. Joining committees for the kids helps your kids, sports activities for kids helps your kids, education foundations benefits your kids school, and so on. Of course every parent wants the best for their child, it is a given so you give time. Good works, but not exactly noble, helping the homeless, running a soup kitchen, saving the watershed. Safe, near home, with the kind of people you are used to. Nothing dirty or gritty about it, especially in the affluent community of Upper Saddle River where many mothers don’t work, have time on their hands. You are helping your kids, keeping busy, filling your day.
But civic work is another matter. It is the core of the community and what shapes the present and future. And here the Republicans have had their share of time at the job, for many years. And their choices, limited vision, lack of proactivity has resulted in damage control now being done. Yet, they continue to damn the Democratic candidates for their lack of experience. But given the situation in town clearly having experience doesn’t help and isn’t a prerequisite.
If you aren’t clear what is at stake here is a little reminder.
Vision 2020
Under the current administration the town has missed its mark for the Vision 2020 project, which will arrive in a matter of weeks. Somewhat of a busywork project there has been little positive change. Not only has the town not continued to be the beautiful place called home, but large tracts of open land have disappeared, an environmental disaster was foisted on the town, wells contaminated, property prices have suffered, and residents who have left are glad they did. Not exactly a success.
Let’s Just Blame Social Media
Mayor Minichetti is waging a campaign to re-write the narrative on the town reputation blaming social media. In her mayor’s message, and at a recent town meeting she lamented the damage people have done to the reputation of the town on social media. But the facts are, there are numerous Facebook groups related to the town, all of them private. One in particular might be what she has in mind, which has lively and sometimes heated discussion, wide ranging opinions and thoughts. There are whispers of moles, but regardless they aren’t spilling opinions in public. But the fiasco over the Eruv, which occurred under her watch, and brought members of the public from other towns to listen and contribute to town meetings highlighted the chaos the administration had in anticipating a problem, addressing and resolving it. So when the newspapers got this juicy story the genie was out of the bottle. Not quite the social media she is blaming.
Toll Brothers
The Toll Brothers disaster has quieted down now as they finally actually stabilized the soil, and some landscaping has helped. But why not 2 years ago? Where was the wonderful green glue currently visible along the Rt 17 corridor near Ridgewood where enormous mounds of soil are being stabilized? This was their watch, nothing was done. Two years of toxic water was pumped into Pleasant Brook. Concerned residents desperately called, wrote, emailed the town, the state, environmental groups, anyone they could trying to get some action to control the disaster. The administration sat quietly by doing very little, treating residents as the enemy and appearing to side continuously with Toll Brothers ( or shiver in fear) through their inaction. The mayor and council showed no outrage, no elevated concern for the environmental destruction occurring. They said they were testing the water, but didn’t release results for too long a time. Why? Now they hide behind the fact they did over 100 water tests, yet residents had to demand – continually – the results, waiting months. Concerned residents wrote White Papers, had soil testing done on their expense. What was the reaction? You aren’t an expert, not a P.E. Of course they weren’t, but these people actually did something. How about just saying thank you, we appreciate your efforts but as they weren’t done ‘properly’ can’t be used. Rather than dismissing work done in an offhand manner. Is this an administration that actually values residents? The town and environment? Or just the developer? And what happened to ensuring Toll Brothers set up the promised website to give residents information as to what was happening? Has that gone the same way as the clean up of the upper portion of Pleasant Brook? And why weren’t they required to actually clean up the portions of Pleasant Brook not on their property? (Of course they would have to clean it up on their property to mitigate lawsuits from homeowners at the Preserve in case of health related issues occurring down the line).
This was on full display at the mayor and council meeting of August 1, 2019. Toll Brothers were in attendance. After 2 years, countless rain events that resulted in muddy sludge cascading onto the streets, multiple pumping events into the Pleasant Brook and the 11th hour stop work order they were there. They came to a meeting to put a corporate face onto the new reality. At 5 minutes into the meeting, after roll call and other bureauocratic minutiae the public comment section was opened. But something was missing – where was the public questioning by the administration of the bungeling by Toll Brothers? There was no grilling by the mayor and council about the destruction to the town? There was no rage or indignation over the destruction. There was no statement by Toll Brothers on the situation. Nothing. The mayor and council did nothing, said nothing. And in this silence empowered Toll Brothers and their actions. In a silent sweeping gesture Toll Brothers knew that whatever they did would have no ramifications, accountability or consequences. Not with this mayor or council.
Of course there was a closed door session prior to this, and a serious tongue lashing may have taken place there. But none of the residents could see this, see their elected officials take on the offending developer and demand something. The residents saw nothing. Throughout this entire debacle the mayor and council have remained largely silent until the rumblings from residents forced them to actually rouse themselves and do something. Or at least be seen to do something. Where was the accountability? Where were the fines? Nothing. You have to wonder why.
And tragically as time passes, and this administration fades away, what will the legacy be of this episode? How many children will develop health issues, how many people will be diagnosed with something serious? Or worse, how many lives will be cut short as a result of this mayor and councils negligence?
High Density Housing
They are patting themselves on the back for achieving a lower number of units, comparing Upper Saddle River numbers against Englewood and other much bigger towns. Not apples with apples. Linking the Democratic candidates with the Democratic governor, and insinuating a connection of support for this. Except this has been an issue for decades. From the Republican governor to Democratic governor. It’s not a party thing, it’s a state thing. Nothing to see here, move on.
Care Of Residents
Oktoberfest, the new private initiative in town raising funds for less fortunate residents in the community. To support those who have a need. Interesting idea, but it doesn’t quite connect with reality. You can find many testimonials about how wonderful, kind and caring the mayor is. To her friends, her clique. Yet the senior citizen at the podium seeking information, who had difficulty hearing was mocked and laughed at. How does this fit in with caring for others? The residents seeking information, who are derided? The member of the public who wants to speak at the meeting who is shouted down and refused time? Somewhat of a disconnect.
Fiscal Responsibility
The Republican candidates are touting:
“Achieved 7th lowest municipal taxes in Bergen County of 70 towns”.
Well that is great news, but you aren’t really comparing apples with apples. These are towns that have higher numbers of residents, more properties, greater range of services, and really aren’t equal. But it sounds good. They go on with
“Successful at seeking grant monies for infrastructure, open space, resurfacing, well being and storm water management, including $1.6 million for the purchase of the 9 acres on One Lake Street”.
Yes, well, so did other towns. That is what this money is for. However, it is worth pointing out that in the process of grabbing all this money there are strings. Like Lions Park is public, and can’t be private. Not a problem really, until your children can’t play in the park because the playground is so full of non-resident children utilizing your facilities that you can’t stay, you feel like an intruder. Or your daughter, over the age of 10 goes to the park in summer shorts and top – or god forbid a midriff top – and gets leered at by non-residential men. Who cannot be removed. Yes, let’s grab that money.
The administration recently parted ways with the Chief Financial officer of town for accounting practices that were questionable. Serious enough for him to immediately leave, yet they comfort themselves with
All budgets and audits are submitted to the NJ Dept of Community Affairs with never any comment of mismanagement.
This is fuzzy logic at best. The fact is that the books were not correct, no one in the administration, or borough offices – with 2 Borough Clerks – picked this up. That the state didn’t either was just sheer luck.
Municipal Indiscretions
Purchases of office furniture from a friend (with hints of being over priced and over sized) without going out to bid smacks of cronyism. Public administration requires competitive bidding. Apparently not in Upper Saddle River. A new borough clerk was appointed several months ago, possibly a friend of the mayor. The mayor denies it. However, the job was never advertised, just word of mouth. Cronyism. And despite 2 borough clerks meeting minutes, and agendas still don’t appear in a timely manner. So what are residents paying for? Where is the transparency?
Forward Planning?
During the course of this year the Planning Board barely met. All while houses are being thrown up and new residents are heading this way. Residents complained about the wait for permits. How is the town going to cope with an influx of several hundred people. And children? No discussion, no planning, no forethought.
In just over a year the requirements of the Eruv settlement will end and a new stage will arrive. With their abysmal handing of the last episode are they equipped to deal with this? Are they prepared?
The development across the border at Hillside is proceeding. The mayor and council may be doing vast amounts of work to prepare for whatever is going on, but who has heard anything? Given their lack of preparation regarding the Eruv this doesn’t instill much confidence.
Final Thought
In the Republican candidates recent posting about why you should vote for them they say
Your vote will ensure that our work continues. Strategies and experience were never more essential.
This is a clear example of buyer beware.
Do you really want their work to continue? To degrade the town, to pat themselves on the back for the low numbers of new residents that are coming, and with no preparation? To see the town maintain its reputation as a desirable community? The mayor reminds residents of all that she has done for the town to improve it’s image. She approached the New York Times to run a piece on town, that she had a video made to bolster the image, that she spearheaded a meeting with realtors to ‘sell’ Upper Saddle River and showcase what a great place this is. What she isn’t saying is that until the mess that was of their making none of this was needed. The sad, slow step down of Upper Saddle River occurred on their watch, while they were in charge. They can point as many fingers as they like, place blame wherever they want but the irrefutable fact is they are solely responsible.
They are the ones who let it happen.
Remember this when you go to the polls.
Remember the truth and not the spin.
If our mayor had listened to me back in 2017 we would have now $20,000,000 plus to address the issue of stormwater runoff pollution, potential cleanup, etc. Instead of we have a skillful national developer that plays us like a violin and USR leadership blames for everything party affiliation and social media. It is about time to make USR move forward regardless whether you’re Democrat, Republican or Independent Here is the link to the 2017 story about how it all started: http://theridgewoodblog.net/assemblywomen-holly-schepisi-forum-focuses-on-overdevelopement-and-affordable-housing-in-bergen-county/?fbclid=IwAR3rz0AVDsnrh_3FC3PVLOGAALa-8rRymx57v-Zi0vpOJBQEgHk6uGLMDAA
“Derek Michalski also from Upper Saddle River recounted to the Ridgewood blog ,” in the case of USR two developers father and son “forced” rezoning Apple Ridge property on USR mayor and Council and after obtaining the “rezoning signature” re-sold the same property to Toll Brothers for $20-30milion quick gain. if the town did this deal for its own benefit(residents) we wouldn’t have to raise taxes for decades to come. Thus such chaos is creating enormous benefit to developers and leaving communities in fear.”
There is also video recording from that meeting at the following link: